What you are holding in your hands is the outcome of
Ocean Albin's bachelor thesis Playing with ℜealities,
written and designed while studying in the 4th year at
the Graphic Design department of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.
For other work or contact:
Quartier by PTA Typefaces
Also available in print.
Merel Boers
➳ for your support, kindness and patience on
levels which outdo any scale measurement.
Thomas Buxo & Silvio Lorusso
➳ for helping with print -and web design.
Anne Jonker, Isis Onnink, Ruben Visser, Olga Schou, Daniel Daineko, Zen Prins & Fabiola van den Berg
➳ for their support and reader feedback.
My family
➳ without you there would be no Ocean,
therefore no thesis.
Radek Górniak
➳ for the countless conversations about design,
thesis, life, school, bread, bicycles, movies,
music, games, memes.
And everybody else
➳ thanks for reading my thesis and/or supporting
me in any other way, you know who you are.