Green light it is!
Digital doodling, converting the drawings to vectors.
I have been working in a analogue way for a long time, now it is getting too messy. Today I started creating my digital drawing database.
Today a lot of people have been contributing to my project! I have been operating in a lot of overcrouwded trains. Amsterdam was out of engery for a while, so for a lot of peple it took a lot of time to get from A to B by train. I tried to use this situation for my project and tried to make make the best of it together with my fellow travelers. I have been meeting a lot of nice, interested and enthousiastic people! If I'm talking about you, thanks for contributing, you are awesome!
Figuring out the logic and lateral thinkig in the drafts.
From now on I'm online! :) Ok, this website is not build in a proper way, but I already needed to have a link to refer to. During my work process I will improve this website, make it interactive, well designed and so on. Your drawings will also be online soon! I will keep you updated on the progress of my project. But first I need to gain more drawings by different people.
This project from the last semester was a starting point for my graduation. It is called 'People drawing verbs'
My last collective assessment