

On Aehetics




1. 1 Overview on aesthetics of the twentyith century

1.2 The roots of conceptual art

1.3 Ugliness

1.4 Usefulness

1.5 Personal position


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Beauty is an order

1.3 Beauty is a pleasure

1.4 Beauty and art


1.1 Aesthetic functionality in graphic design of today

1.2 Objectivity in design




The goal of this research is to evaluate and stress the importance of the aesthetics in art and design. This study was motivated by works of theorist, writers and philosophers who expressed their strong opinion on position of beauty in art and society. The thesis is divided into chapters and subchapters with an initial logic of a pyramid where the solution of the problem is seen from the broad sense of the aesthetic component in modern society and narrows down to the objective perception of beauty and aesthetical functionality in modern graphic design.

In Chapter I the reader will find the argument on disappearance of beauty in the art of the twentieth century and the argument on sacred status of art and analysis of self advertisement and enrichment by means of art. It includes critical aspects of ready made art of the last century. The question whether the concept may stand by itself deprived of visual representation contrasts with an idea of true artist, described by Roger Scruton (February 27, 1944 ), who is able to represent real in the light of the ideal. The main conception of the Chapter I analysis a purposiveness without a purpose applicable to art and beauty. Writing Chapter I, I was inspired and motivated by outstanding theorists Roger Scruton and Cynthia Freeland(1968).

Chapter II is intended to reveal and investigate the objective view on beauty and aesthetics that claims a fact that beauty is contained in the object, and that evaluation of beauty has an objective validity. The objective aspect in art introduces a relevance to the positioning aesthetics as the universal truth at a certain extent. The study refers mainly to the philosophers and scientists who described beauty from the perspective of order and pleasure obtained by a work of art. The key argument of the research includes an idea of beauty that consists of complexity and allied by order and the notion of the direct connection between beauty and emotion suggested by the object that is related to pleasure.

The last chapter of my thesis is dedicated to aesthetic functionality of graphic design and its connection to other disciplines, observed in today’s art world. The main question of the chapter includes an argument whether it is possible to distinct and talk about content without relation to visual aspect in graphic design and whether it is appropriate to present it without further investigation. The chapter also reviews the objective features of graphic design by means of the impact on a wide range of people.