Why is it urgent for designers and their tools to learn how to program?
As times have changed; tools have. Graphic design is not in its definition tied to a specific medium, but is rather about organising information. From the beginning of its existence a varied range of tools have been in vogue, resulting in the diverse instances of graphic design work. With the rise in popularity of computers, digital tools and media have become gradually more accessible and cheap to work with.
Now that the design field is so saturated with hybrid forms of disciplines, there is a great demand for multidisciplinary designers that can also code. For themselves it is an influential decision for their way of working whether or not to learn how to program. It is not beneficial to be fully dependent on others during a working process. Working together can be fruitful, but a unified process is often more structured, less inconsistent and finishes faster. To be able to work alone saves time and effort.
Programming as a tool isn't as far-fetched for the design discipline. Design as a profession is not made up out of one single skill, and combining multiple skills can reinforce them. On top of that, programming can be considered a craft similar to traditional design techniques.
Furthermore, by trying there is not much to lose. One does not unlearn when new knowledge is acquired and all additional knowledge is valuable, especially if it has to do with one’s environment. In the case of the designer, learning programming certainly is related, as there are many examples of tools that combine programming with artistic output.
On a larger scale a curiosity for the unknown is one of man's most precious features, because it leads to experimentation, play and possibly innovation. At play there is room for intuition and thus new things can happen. We can also learn from the hacker ethic where the strive is to 'playfully do something difficult'.
The hacker movement has had a major influence on the accessibility of information online. Information, programs and learning environments are now easier to access than ever before, making it possible for the designer to learn, use tools and contribute with ones. This gave rise to new models of authorship and collaboration based on sharing that made it easier to create something that would be beyond the technical limitations of the designer’s power and influence.
Learning how to program creates the possibility of creating custom digital tools. Prefabricated design software results in an unequal collaboration between designer and program, where the designer is dependent on concrete decisions made by the developers of the concerning program that are not open to alteration. By creating custom tools there are different limitations and the designer can create truly personal work by being in control of the set of specific limitations.
Code is the literacy of our current age and has great impact on society.
It is not the role of the designer to directly alter this impact, but he or she should be aware of the problematics that result from this shift. A basic knowledge is primordial for better comprehension.
The role of the designer is the translation of such abstract information by ordering it with combination of graphical and textual and code literacy and to give shape to the digital environment in which we spend most of our time, for the rest of our lives.
Why is it urgent for designers and their tools to learn how to program?
As times have changed; tools have. Graphic design is not in its definition tied to a specific medium, but is rather about organising information. From the beginning of its existence a varied range of tools have been in vogue, resulting in the diverse instances of graphic design work. With the rise in popularity of computers, digital tools and media have become gradually more accessible and cheap to work with.
Now that the design field is so saturated with hybrid forms of disciplines, there is a great demand for multidisciplinary designers that can also code. For themselves it is an influential decision for their way of working whether or not to learn how to program. It is not beneficial to be fully dependent on others during a working process. Working together can be fruitful, but a unified process is often more structured, less inconsistent and finishes faster. To be able to work alone saves time and effort.
Programming as a tool isn't as far-fetched for the design discipline. Design as a profession is not made up out of one single skill, and combining multiple skills can reinforce them. On top of that, programming can be considered a craft similar to traditional design techniques.
Furthermore, by trying there is not much to lose. One does not unlearn when new knowledge is acquired and all additional knowledge is valuable, especially if it has to do with one’s environment. In the case of the designer, learning programming certainly is related, as there are many examples of tools that combine programming with artistic output.
On a larger scale a curiosity for the unknown is one of man's most precious features, because it leads to experimentation, play and possibly innovation. At play there is room for intuition and thus new things can happen. We can also learn from the hacker ethic where the strive is to 'playfully do something difficult'.
The hacker movement has had a major influence on the accessibility of information online. Information, programs and learning environments are now easier to access than ever before, making it possible for the designer to learn, use tools and contribute with ones. This gave rise to new models of authorship and collaboration based on sharing that made it easier to create something that would be beyond the technical limitations of the designer’s power and influence.
Learning how to program creates the possibility of creating custom digital tools. Prefabricated design software results in an unequal collaboration between designer and program, where the designer is dependent on concrete decisions made by the developers of the concerning program that are not open to alteration. By creating custom tools there are different limitations and the designer can create truly personal work by being in control of the set of specific limitations.
Code is the literacy of our current age and has great impact on society.
It is not the role of the designer to directly alter this impact, but he or she should be aware of the problematics that result from this shift. A basic knowledge is primordial for better comprehension.
The role of the designer is the translation of such abstract information by ordering it with combination of graphical and textual and code literacy and to give shape to the digital environment in which we spend most of our time, for the rest of our lives.
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